What is the Indian Foreign Service: The Indian Foreign Service is the administrative diplomatic civil service under Group A & Group B. It is one of the Central Civil Service’s of the executive branch of the Government of India. IFS (Indian Foreign Service) represent the country in the international territory. The IFS is unlike the other civil services as it deal’s with the country’s external affairs like diplomacy, cultural relations & trade. Sarkari jobs

Why have an IFS?
The IFS is responsible for framing the Government’s foreign policies & management of Indian missions abroad.
Indian Foreign Service Exam Eligibility Criteria Nationality:
- The nationality of a candidate’s must be either of the following:
- Citizen of India
- Subject of Nepal
- Subject of Bhutan
- A Tibetan refugee who came to India before JAN 1, 1962, for permanent settled in India.
- Migrant from any of the following country’s for permanently settling in India:
Burma, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Uganda, Kenya, the United Republic of Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Ethiopia, Zaire & Vietnam
Educational Qualification: Indian Foreign Service Examination
Candidate should hold a degree from the any of the recognized universities’ or must have an equivalent qualification
- Skills Required
- Decision-making ability
- Good communication skills
- Excellent knowledge about foreign nations and current affairs
- Leadership ability
- Good analytical ability
Age Limit :
Minimum age 21 years
Maximum age 30 years as on 1st of Aug in the year of examination.
Relaxable age limit is as follows:
- Upto max. 5 years for SC/ST candidates.
- Upto max. 3 years for OBC candidates.
- Upto max. 5 years for candidate from the State of Jammu and Kashmir
- Upto max. 5 years for Defence Services personnel
- Upto max. 5 years for Ex-servicemen including Commissioned officers & ECOs/SSCOs who have rendered at least 5 years Military Service & have been released.
- Upto max. 5 years for ECOs/SSCOs who have completed an initial period of assignment of 5 year’s of Military Service. Upto max. 10 years for Blind, deaf-mute & Orthopedically handicapped persons
Number of attempts:Indian Foreign Service Exam
- The maximum number of attempts is as follows
- General Category Candidates: 7 attempts
- Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST) candidates: No restriction
- Other Backward Class candidates: 9 attempts
Roles and Responsibilities IFS officers deal with diplomacy, trade & cultural relations of the country
Responsibilities: Indian Foreign Service Exam
- Representing India in its embassies, high commissions, consulates & multilateral organizations.
- Protecting India’s national interests in the country where the officer is posted.
- Improving & promoting friendship between India and the country that the officer is posted in
- Including non-resident Indians or persons of Indian origin
- Informing about the developments in the foreign country’s that could affect India’s policy
- The role of an IFS officer is a very promising & a challenging one.
- To represent India on international forums & platforms and in the countries they are appointed, An IFS officer is thus a very important thread for India who play’s vital role in shaping Indian foreign policy & building all diplomatic and economic ties with countries
- To handle and manage all diplomatic relations between India & of the country they are appointed
To create, co-create & maintain economic cooperation between India and other countries - To constantly keep updating Indian MEA office and about recent developments
Civil Service Examination Pattern
The pattern of Civil services examination has been designed to test the academic expertise of a candidate’s & that candidate’s ability to present herself/himself in a systematic and Well Organized manner. The examination pattern intend’s to assess the overall intellectual traits & understanding level of the candidates.
The UPSC Civil Services Exam 2021 is conducted in two stages namely, Prelims & Mains, which are then followed by an interview.
Scheme & subjects for the Preliminary & Main Examinations are as follows: UPSC Civil Services Prelims Exam Pattern (400 Mark’s)
- The IAS Preliminary exam consists of 2 papers – General Studies and Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT).
- Both the question paper’s will be of the objective type MCQ (multiple choice questions).
- The duration of the exam is two hours. Paper-2 (CSAT) in the Civil Services (Preliminary)
- Exam is a qualifying paper with the minimum qualifying marks fixed at 33%.
- The Prelims consists of 2 papers of 200 marks each
- The question papers will be set in both Hindi & English. However, questions related to
- English Language Comprehension skill’s would be provided only in English.
- Blind candidates would be allowed an extra 20 mins of time for each paper
UPSC Civil Services Main Exam Pattern (2025 Marks)
Candidates who qualify Preliminary exam are called for the Main exam & on the basis of marks secured in the Main exam, they will be called for the Interview The total marks of the Main exam & Interview sum up to produce the final result. Sarkari jobs
Also Read: All India Civil Services Job List
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